Knockoff Banzai
Payraise Aquired!
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Payraise Aquired!
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mood_bad mood
Month #1
As you predicted, a project has popped up and your boss has specifically requested for you and your main competitor, Sal, to work overtime on this project. You know this will take some of your time, but at the same time, it can give you the boost you need to save up for your wedding. What do you do?
Option 1
Take the overtime. It can help build a better relationship with you and your boss, and maybe even get that promotion and bonus.
Option 2
Reject the offer. You simply don't have time, and maybe you can focus on other options of making money passively.
Option 3
Ask to work from home. You still get the money, but you may not be able to develop the same relationship you could have by working late in office.